Friday, July 30, 2010

"Anything too stupid to be said is sung." - Voltaire (who hadn't even met Lady Gaga)

No train tracks in sight. Straight through the middle of the building. This one is another "huh??"

I went to the driving range while I was out this afternoon. Yeah, anyone with a brain was in an air conditioned space, but like I've said, sometimes you gotta do something stupid to prove you're alive.
There was actually one other guy there...and by "there" I mean at the course, not just the driving range. So we chatted as we hit balls. He took an early retirement from Alaska Airlines and now lives here because, "my wife gets cold in a hot room."
He's going on vacation next week, too. He's headed for Idaho - Coeur d'Alene specifically. They have a golf course there that's on his bucket list, the Coeur d'Alene Golf Course and Spa. If you've ever been to that part if Idaho you know it's beautiful, but the 14th hole is what put this course on his "must do before I die" list. The green is 175 yards from the tee...and floating in the lake. You take a water taxi to get there and receive a certificate of achievement if you land on the green with your first shot.

I don't understand all of this, but it's impressive:
Laying Train Track

And if you're in the mood for lighter fare:
Canadian Please

I wore the shirt Steve gave me for Father's Day. You can see it
The guy at the driving range commented on it (happens every time I wear it) and said he was an AC/DC fan. His daughter by Wife #1 is ADHD. So we talked about life with a condit......Hey look! A squirrel!

I thought about it more as I drove home. Pam might disagree, but all things considered I like what comes with ADD. (I'm glad I never had the hyper part, and so are all who have shared a space with me.)
I love my job. I often have trouble concentrating while I'm studying but I've come up with work-arounds. (I play a lot of Solitaire on the computer.)
I get out for vigorous exercise almost every day. I'm restoring a classic VW. I play golf. I read. I enjoy home improvement projects, whether for me or for others. I dabble in woodwork. I write - more than just this blog - and follow sports pretty closely.
My only enemy is boredom, and I fight it eagerly. I can't imagine people who do one or two things and call it good.
So why is our first reaction to treat ADD as something negative and fight it with meds? I'm enjoying it!

Bad news. The allure of canned dog food has apparently worn off, and Al now ignores that, too. Never mind that I just bought a case of the stuff at Costco, what do we do to get him turned around?

OK, I've been at this long enough. Time to move on to collecting the data I need before I drive out Monday morning - things like directions from the Portland airport to Champoeg State Park.
(It's pronounced shampOO-ey and it's an Indian word.)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Dave proposed to me on the Coeur d'Alene boardwalk. It's breathtakingly beautiful there.