Thursday, July 29, 2010

Assisted Suicide Kills

Yes, it's a crazy pic, but click to enlarge and see the name of the trailer!
Judging from the flames and smoke the trailer is not moving. I don't know how long it takes to unhook a 5th wheel but I'd sure be working on it!

Which is more potent, the news story, or the story of the news story?
ESPN posted an account on its web site of a Las Vegas party hosted by LeBron James. The article was up for about 20 minutes before they took it down. Why did they pull it? The story certainly puts James in an unflattering light. He comes off looking like a self-obsessed hedonist. (he is.) Is there any connection between ESPN yanking the story and the hour-long ESPN LeBron James special, "The Decision," where James determined everything, including hand-picking Jim Gray, who did the "interview" and scripting the questions to be asked?

Crazy thing about the internet - you can't make anything disappear, including an unflattering story about someone who generated millions of dollars for your network.
You can read an analysis of ESPN's actions and the original story

We may have turned a corner with Al. Good thing, too, because the word emaciated fits. His pelvic bones stick out. Sad. But he seems to really like canned dog food. He ate some last night and licked the bowl. This morning I gave him about a cup which he ate quickly, so I put the last 1/4 cup in the bowl, this time mixed with some of his normal dry food. He gobbled that right down, too.

Greyhounds are supposed to have very low body fat. An overweight Greyhound is a sick Greyhound, and we were told by the adoption people that if you can’t see their spine or their ribs they’re too heavy. We’re obviously way beyond that, so the lady told Pam yesterday not to worry about the fat content of anything we give him until his weight is back up where it should be. I’m expecting canned food to give him digestive troubles, but better that than starvation. I bought more canned food at Costco this afternoon and will continue to mix it with the dry stuff which is much better for him. That should also make it easier to wean him off the canned food when the time comes - just progressively reduce the ratio of one to the other. But right now he barely has energy for his constitutional walk. As soon as we get home he collapses on the floor.

Lots of extra chores to get done before vacation next week. I’ve neglected the landscaping for too long and didn’t want to come back to things even more overgrown than they already are, so I spent about 3 hours this morning pruning the trees and shrubs. As with yesterday, the temp was in the low 90’s and the dew point at 73 degrees, so it counted as real work. The weird thing - after about an hour my body adjusted to it and it didn’t feel as bad.

I ended up with a VW-sized pile of branches in the driveway and, sure enough, a one-man landscaping worker stopped to ask if I wanted it hauled off. (Their beat-up trucks loaded with ladders and clippings are ubiquitous.) We agreed on $40 and it’s all gone.

Downtown streets were blocked this morning by people from as far away as L.A. in town to protest the immigration law that was supposed to go into effect today. Apparently it’s a lot easier to cancel a law than a mass demonstration. What I can’t figure out is why “dozens” of people got themselves arrested...for protesting a law that was blocked. Why would anyone do that??

This is just fun. And amazing
What your computer does at night while you sleep.

The sermon is written but there’s lots of work left to do. Mulling, reviewing, cogitating...

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