Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some day we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and quickly change the subject.

How did this happen??

This morning's ride was just plain brutal. When I left the temp was 90 degrees and the dew point was 71 degrees. Since living here I've never been on a ride and had sweat dripping off my face as I rode. Did today. But I cranked out 31 miles...BECAUSE I'M A BIKE RIDING ANIMAL!!

Al has pretty much stopped eating altogether. Pam found an article online about Greyhounds and Valley Fever. It said they are especially susceptible because they normally have a white cell count lower than other breeds of dogs, thus making it more difficult for them to fight off infections.
She also talked to the woman who heads up the Greyhound adoption agency through which we got Al. She agreed with something else the article said - it's imperative we get him eating. She said Greyhounds love tuna mixed in with their food, and that yogurt is also often effective. He has rejected both. So I went up to the grocery store to get some canned dog food. He ate a little of that, so maybe we've found what works.

Not a huge surprise - the judge blocked implementation of the key portions of SB 1070, the AZ illegal immigrant law. The most significant element required cops to check the immigration status of someone stopped for an infraction of the law. It also required legal immigrants to carry documentation that they're here legally.
The judge said these were a problem because, "There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens under the law." So if I understand, she nixed it not because it was violated the Constitution or had a history of abuse, but because, in her opinion, it might be abused.
She also threw out a portion that made it against the law for illegal aliens to solicit employment in a public place. Huh?

If this law is unconstitutional or turned out to result in racial profiling it would need pitching, or at least serious modifications. But I don't see either one of those here.
Yeah, I don't get it.

Tomorrow, the 29th, is National Lasagna Day. Coincidentally, Pam and I tried a nearby family run Italian restaurant tonight. I had Chicken Marsala, but only because I didn't know I could get an early start on tomorrow's festivities.

Big storms rolling through the valley for the next couple of days. If it lowers the humidity we'll all be happy.

Tomorrow is all about getting ready for Sunday. I want to have the sermon done so it will have plenty of time to percolate. I need to plan the congregational meeting, too.
I like my job a lot.

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