Busy day, but overall, a good one. I had a b'fast meeting this morning and, because the temp was down in the upper 80's, I took Gerta. I miss driving her and look forward to cooler weather so we can spend more time together. There's something very relaxing about driving a '67 VW.
As soon as I got home I climbed on the bike and did 18 miles. By the time I left it was into the low 90's, humid and windy. But I needed the workout.
They call it "hot foot." If I understand correctly we have a nerve (nerves?) that run between the bones on the bottom of our foot, up where the ball of the foot is. If those nerves are compressed you get a burning sensation - a very intense burning sensation. I've had that problem on almost all of my rides lately.
The reading I've done suggests loosening the velcro staps on top of the shoes. Tried that. Or inserting foam insoles. Tried that. Or getting bigger shoes to allow our foot more room.
I've also read that as we age our feet spread out, and for street shoes I now need a size 10 instead of the 9 1/2 of a few years ago. These bike shoes are old, and it looks like they're due for replacement.
Then several stops, including the bank, the driving range and the bike shop to pick up the bike rack I'll attach to the hitch I installed on the Sorento. I leave on our vacation trip ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! Lots to get done before then.
Like selecting three weeks worth of music for church services.
We got word today that we are officially approved to use Litchfield Elementary School beginning August 22. Excellent news! The Wigwam hasn't worked out well for a variety of reasons, and beginning on the 11th they're undergoing major renovations that would force us into really ill-suited rooms. Meeting at the school will involve some adjustments but we've got a very cooperative, low-maintenance group so I'm sure it will work well.
Sorry, nothing thoughtful tonight. It's dinner time, after which I'll start on bulletins and assembling that bike rack.
Maybe something terribly profound tomorrow night.
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