Sunday, July 25, 2010

MacDonald's Law: The chances of a knot in your drawstring are directly proportional to the urgency of your need.

Unrequited Love

Three Pathway families out of town this morning and we still had a good size group, thanks to several visitors. Got good comments afterward, so we're optimistic they'll be back.

One week from tomorrow (Monday) I'll leave for our camping trip. Pam will work through Tuesday, and Wednesday morning fly to Portland, OR. If all goes well I'll have driven that 1,330 miles by the time she arrives there a little after noon on Wednesday.

Because we got rid of all our camping gear years (decades?) ago I bought a new tent at Costco back in May. I figured the smart thing was to set it up in the yard before leaving on our trip...except we don't have a yard. Pretty tough to pitch a tent in gravel. So I set it up in our living room. The hardest part was driving the stakes through the carpet and into the concrete slab.

Tomorrow I'll get back on the bike for the first time in almost ten days. This should be interesting.
Driving range, too.
Several errands to run, and I need to get started on the music and bulletins for the Sundays I'll be gone.
I'm getting tired just thinking about it. And it is Sunday night.
Thus, short post.
I'll do better tomorrow night. Promise.

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