Interesting day. I went out on an 18-mile ride this morning and ended up doing 25. Learned that fig bars can also go down the wrong pipe, and they're just as gross coming back up.
Mailed some things at the Post Office and met a man who both feels the length of his wait entitles him to move to the front of the line AND chew out the silly person who suggests he wait his turn.
This morning I ordered a bolt-on trailer hitch for the Sorento. Tomorrow I'll order a hitch-mounted bike rack. The two will allow me to take my bike on our vacation. I don't want to miss over two weeks of training and the Oregon coast should provide some excellent biking. I still have to figure out what to do if it rains. Do I want to invest in a cover, too? (N0)
I'm gratified by orders for Year Two of the curriculum. Means more than what could been naive optimism in ordering Year One. They must have found some value in the first half.
We've moved closer to an alternative to The Wigwam. Much of this afternoon was spent on the phone and sending emails back and forth. The details are coming together.
Today is my dad's birthday. He's 88. Double snowman.
No mean feat, living to that age, and doing it with the strength, wisdom and faithful commitment that have been his hallmarks. Service to the Lord and the church, his wife and children, and for a long and distinguished career, the Army Corp of Engineers. I thoroughly enjoy his company and look forward to seeing him in a few weeks. I hug him as hard as I dare, not wanting to crush his somewhat frail body.
Tomorrow is Barbershop Music Appreciation Day. It's also the day my mother will have shoulder replacement surgery. Not typical for someone 87 years old to go through that, and if it were only the immobility issue they might forgo the procedure. But the pain is too much.
Wish I could be there for moral support, for both of them. Bummer.
But they're both in good hands.
When I left home for college I know they both worried about me, and with good reason. I was 17, going on 12. They knew, however, that God was keeping watch, protecting me from myself and whatever evils might cross my path.
That, too, has now reversed directions and I worry about them. I'm thankful they're now in a living situation much safer than their huge house. In each room they can press a button and get immediate help.
But Someone is much closer than a button. He doesn't need to be summoned at all because he's right there, 24/7/365.
The time will come. We all acknowledge that, and talk about it openly. We don't fear the future because we have the sure and certain promises of God. Until then I sure wish they lived closer. But they think triple digit temps are a bit much.
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