Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch." - Orson Welles

Mentos ice cube trick (This one's for Jeff)

Do they blow the vuvuzela in Venezuela? And if they do, is it a special Venezuela vuvuzela?

Ding, dong, the Boss is dead.

My mother’s surgery took two and a half hours but went very well. She’s in that stage between the surgery anesthesia and the less powerful post-op pain meds. So right now she’s not feeling so good. But we’re trusting God to give her grace and a speedy recovery.

Sometimes you gotta go backward to go forward, and stick with it knowing that, in the end, it will bring worthwhile improvement.

I’m concerned about Al. For a stretch last week we thought he was getting significantly better but his appetite has once again dropped way off and he’s very lethargic...even by Al standards. He also follows me from room to room, whenever I move. He’d usually just go to his bed and sleep for hours at a time. He continues to lose muscle mass which, by now, has him looking pretty scrawny.

OK, it’s hot here. Phoenix will probably set a record tonight for the highest low on this date. The first number will be a nine. Tomorrow’s high will have three digits and end with “-teen.” So can I do 32 miles in the morning before we hit stoopid time?

This is WAY too funny. Came to me from my friend, Sherry.
Tim Hawkins in Chick-fil-A
We’re looking forward to having dinner with Mauri and Sherry next month when we’re in the Portland area. Haven’t seen them in too long.

I’m headed to Grand Rapids again next week. The GGF “Family Bible Conference” runs Wednesday through Saturday. I’ll fly back on Tuesday and return Saturday morning so I don’t miss a Sunday. I’m not looking forward to being gone again, especially when we’ll leave on vacation in three weeks. But I’ll have a table and have my curriculum spread out. They can’t buy and use what they don’t know about.
The plane ticket was more expensive that I expected but I waited too long to buy it so it’s probably my fault. But rental car prices?? I could buy a car for not much more than the cost of renting one for five days.

I've seen this, or something like it, before. But this is updated to more recent figures. It shows unemployment rates by county over time. the darker the color the worse the unemployment. Note the key to the right.
The Geography of a Recession
But it's all Bush's fault.

First Michigan, and now South Dakota are filing briefs in support of AZ's illegal immigrant law in the face of the Fed's lawsuit to overturn it. Other states are said to be preparing to do the same. Two thirds of Pennsylvania residents favor a similar law for their state.

There's a car for sale around the corner from our house...and I want it. A near pristine '41 Chevy with 75,000 original miles. The interior has been redone, very well, and the body is all original. He wants $16k.
oh well

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