Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long." - Ogden Nash

New Kids on the Block

Tonight we went out to the Peeple's home for a great dinner and.....look what we got to see! They live on 2 acres out in Waddell and have chickens, a peacock, two horses and some goats, including week-old kids. They are adorable. The upper pic is of Elizabeth, their daughter, holding one of them; the other is in the lower pic. That's the one I held, and that fell asleep in my arms.
When we lived in Prunedale we had a goat, an Alpine named Angel. We got her when she was two days old and bottle fed her for weeks. There's nothing quite like a baby goat, which is why, when we heard these had been born we basically invited ourselves over to see them.
Not only did we get to see the goats, but Shirley made us Curry Chicken. She was born in India, so this was the real thing. And VERY good! Plus, great conversation that lasted beyond my second helping.

The best part is the people!!!
And when they have baby goats and serve authentic Indian food...well, that's too much fun.

We knew the Wigwam has planned major renovations. This morning, in a conversation with one of the staff, I learned construction starts August 11. The remodel will eliminate two of the rooms we use for our kids (people kids, not goat kids), and perhaps the larger room we use for worship and our adult class. That, combined with a long and ongoing series of issues leads us to consider a move to another site.
New churches face several obstacles that come with the territory, and at near the top of the list is meeting site issues. That just means we have another way to see God's blessing on Pathway as he leads us to a new and improved place to meet.
Hope to have some answers by the end of the week. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That caption is baaaaaaaad.