Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it." - P.J. O'Rourke

Pam just said, "It feels like fall."
It's 75 degrees.

As a result of my week speaking to High School kids at camp this summer I have a lot of teenage friends on Facebook. Reading their posts reminds me how horrid those years were. What reads like melodrama is for them overwhelming angst. There ain't enough money in all the Middle East to get me into the way-back machine.

I love my job. And the people are the best part.

The NBA player reps and owners met yesterday and today, and some of the pundits think a deal may be near. Part of me hopes not. Both sides are demonstrating incredible greed and it would serve them all right if they slit each others' financial throats. The only reason any part of me hopes they settle is the thousands and thousands of people whose livelihoods are held hostage by these fools.
From the time we pulled into the parking lot for Sunday's Cards game I was struck by how many people earn an income off a professional sporting event. Parking lot workers, security, ticket takers, concession workers, ushers, stadium maintenance staff.... And that doesn't include all the off-site businesses, the hotels, restaurants, advertising firms and the like who see a spike every time there's a home game.

I know in my head what I want to do with Sunday's sermon but can't seem to find a structure to pull it off. As I struggle to put it together I'm reminded of what I taught in homiletics class, the unit on life situation preaching.
Lots of work to do between now and then. Not so much in the exegesis dept. as in the gut. Hmmm.

Remember when TV ads used to push products? It seems like at least half of them now advocate for something. Clean coal, natural gas, a bunch of grumpy old people warning Congress not to touch their Medicare benefits.... And we're just getting into campaign season.

Have you seen the FB post (or rec'd the email) about Warren Buffet's solution to the deficit problem? Turns out the first part passes the Snopes test. The second part, however, isn't his.
Still, I like the whole thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your comment about the youth is dead on. It is amazing every Sunday night to hear their stories of angst. Many times two words spoken seem to bring clarity to them... Imago Dei.

Thanks for your replies to some of their posts. It is good for them to hear the same thing from you that Kevin and the rest of us adult leaders often say.

Our kids really got a lot out of your lessons and often repeat Imago Dei amongst themselves. You made a point with them stuck! Know that your tie was not spent in vain.

Couldn't get me on that way back machine either!
