Thursday, October 20, 2011

"I have nothing to say, and I am saying it, and that is poetry." - John Cage

Her car has been cleaned inside and out, and the oil changed. The floors are vacuumed and mopped, dusting done, the windows washed, and the fridge near empty.

Gadhafi is dead. Happens to everyone, but in this case it's particularly welcome. We may never know if he died in battle or was executed after capture, but either way it's probably best. As with Bin Laden, a trial, no matter how or where, would have inflamed passions and allowed them to cause more suffering even from a courtroom. Justice was done even if it was vigilante.

I'm really struggling with this sermon. This section of Romans moves very quickly but is also very dense. Almost every significant term related to salvation occurs within a three verse stretch. And in typical fashion Paul "talks" a mile a minute, not bothering to stop for sentence breaks. A high school English teacher would write, "run-on sentence" all over this paper! So how to make it a linear sermon?

I took a break mid-morning and got tires on Ilsa's wheels. (click to enlarge and view in all its glory.) I called several tire stores to compare prices. Some don't carry a 165-R15 and can't (won't) get them. Big-O had the best deal but Discount Tire will match any competitor's price and that's where I've typically purchased tires for our other cars, so I went there. The guy I dealt with was the only guy in the place over 25 - probably in his mid-40's - and also the most knowledgeable. He even knew to ask if these were wide fives. (They are.) He wrote a note with BIG letters telling the guys out in the shop to be careful not to scratch the paint and to static balance only. (That way any weights are on the inside of the wheel and out of sight.)
One reason for getting the tires on is to check for any play in the steering linkage. A very small amount is OK but too much means new king pins. Steve is coming out Saturday for the initial fire-up on the engine and his experienced hand will know immediately if I need new pins. It takes a monster press to get them out and new ones installed, a piece of equipment he has at his shop. Now he can check, and then take the assembly from each side back to his shop if necessary.

This video has some great photography. It gets preachy and theologically bogus at the end, and at least one of the captions is factually wrong. But up until that point it's amazing stuff.

In what may be the coolest story of the day, the Detroit Lions traded Jerome Harrison to the Philadelphia Eagles for another player and some draft picks. A standard part of any player transaction is a physical by the receiving team. If the guy has issues the deal is off.
During the physical it was discovered that Harrison has a brain tumor.
The doctors say it's benign and though he won't play this year he should be back to football next year. But the also say if the tumor had not been detected now it could have been fatal.
Never was a trade physical this important.
Hey, Jerome, you listenin'? Wake up call.

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