Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm very busy doing things I don't need to do in order to avoid doing anything I'm supposed to do.

This afternoon I had to go to the grocery store up the street, the one filled with really old people from Sun City, to get some fruit. Outside the entrance is a guy with a tin cup wearing a big orange bib that says,
"Knights of Columbus - collecting money for the intellectually challenged"

I say "had to go" because I don't like grocery stores. Nothing personal, it's just that I specialize in eating, not the front end buying and preparing. But Steve, the guy who built my engine, is coming over tomorrow morning for the initial run-in. I asked him on the phone yesterday if he was a donut and coffee guy and he said that because of diabetes he's more of a cantaloupe and water sort of fellow. Hence a trip to the produce section.
The cool thing? They sell chocolate covered pretzels in the produce department!

I also don't like pet supply stores, and I had to go there this afternoon, too. (It will be a long time before Pam is allowed to leave again. This having to shop is terrible.) We've run out of dog food, and Jack also specializes in the eating part of the food chain.
It was disgusting. People buying spandex outfits for their dachshunds and little rubber toys that look like their German Shepherd. Seriously, people? IT'S A DOG!
I was going to make a snarky comment to the guy behind the cash register about the whacked people treating their animals like prima donnas but when I got close enough to hear him talking to the customers he was admiring how cute that spandex thing was.

I went across the parking lot and walked through Home Depot's tool department just to get the yuck off.

I was working on my sermon by 3:30 this morning. I think it's OK. I'll spend a lot more time with it before Sunday morning.

The Miami Dolphins stink. People in Florida don't go to their games. It's embarrassing.
Tim Tebow was a star QB at Univ. of Florida and won the Heisman Trophy while there. He now plays backup QB for the Denver Broncos. Except that lately the Bronco's starting QB has played almost as terribly as the Miami QB, so the team announced that Tebow would start for them beginning this week - when they play the Dolphins - in Miami.
But wait, there's more.
The game will be played in the same stadium where Tebow led the Univ. of Florida to the national championship, a place where the word hero is an understatement.
Since the announcement that Tebow will be starting for Denver ticket sales for the game in Florida have jumped by 10,000 and it's fair to say most of the stadium will be cheering for the opposing QB. The Dophins are less than thrilled about this.
Should be a fun game to watch.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love the word "snarky". I'll have to add that to my list. = )

I must confess...most of the time when I'm reading your blog and the paragraph is about sports, in my head it sounds like the grown-ups' voices from Peanuts cartoons. But I love Tebow! He was homeschooled, you know. = )