Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves." - Rudyard Kipling

I've been up and working since 4 a.m. and I'm not quite done with the day's tasks. So this will be very, very brief.

Two good things happened today.
1. Pam got home. She's feeling some serious jet lag and will be in bed early even by Sun City standards. But she's home.
2. Steve, the guy who built my engine, came out for the initial fire up. He's very good, so his complimentary comments on my work meant a lot. He showed me how to adjust the link pins, so replacing them isn't necessary. The tie rod ends, however, are shot. He thinks he has a set at his shop he can sell me. I'll call him Monday to find out, and if he does I'll do that job. Once the engine was fired up we could see why the right side axle seal leaked so badly. The axle is bent, probably from an accident at some point. Replacing an axle is a tricky, tricky task. Get the installation just a little bit wrong and you ruin the transmission. So he's going to come out with an axle shaft two weeks from today and do the job here at my place.

Here's a cheap and dirty video I shot of today's work.

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