Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward." - John Maynard Keynes

Speaking of painful, a friend posted this on Facebook. I couldn't look at it.
Would you look at this!

My friend Sue posted this on Facebook. If you've seen the original this redux will thrill you. And the audience is clearly appreciative.

Newt Gingrich just ruined any chance he had of getting the Republican nomination by advocating a nuanced approach to the immigration issue. Never mind that polls show the vast majority of Americans favor some kind of consideration for long time illegal residents, the seek and destroy wing of the GOP will effectively label him a liberal soft on enforcing the law.

Tonight is our family Thanksgiving. Pam has to work tomorrow afternoon and evening, and Josh, Aubri, and the kids will spend the day at her family's. Nothing fancy here, no grand meal. Pam's doing a pot roast and we're going to have some vegetable concoction that's paleo. I think that's fitness-speak for no sugar but lots of broccoli and cauliflower. I'm pretty sure there's more, but I'm not involved in the preparation. Over 40 years of marriage we've worked out an effective distribution of responsibilities, and mine include eating whatever is put in front of me and giving thanks it was put in front of me.

That means I don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and when I do enter the room with "the big white thing that gets hot," (that expression courtesy of my older brother) it usually ends up with me getting in trouble. Today I learned that for some reason Pam thinks it inappropriate that I use her strainer to clean algae out of the lily pond. Shame; it worked perfectly.


Sue said...

He's from Russia. And, yeah, where was his standing ovation? He was a genius ahead of his time.

Sue said...

Watched the "Would You Look at This" tonight with Mike's mom. It was both painful and hilarious.