Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If people could read minds and two people were reading each other's minds, wouldn't they be reading their own minds?

CougarLife.com has named Glendale, just to our east, as the cougar capital of AZ. It has three times as many cougars (single women age 30+) per capita as any other city in the state. How can Sun City not have taken that designation? There's a widow on every corner and half the houses in between. The line here is that if a man is single and can drive after dark he's pretty much George Clooney.

A city judge in NY issued a restraining order prohibiting police from clearing out the Occupy protesters from Zuccatti Park despite the unsanitary conditions and emerging safety issues.
Lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig. Robe on a fool....
A state judge overturned that ruling and the eviction proceded.

This afternoon I picked up two front drums and outer tie rod ends. Getting the drums installed involves driving the races and bearings in and the tie rod ends means pounding and wrenching through 30 years of barn rust but hopefully I'll have the chassis DONE by Saturday. (I take brakes from studying throughout the day because my brain can only focus for so long at a time.) Once that work is done I'll fill the all-new brake system with fluid and bleed it. If all of that gets done by Saturday, Pam's next day off, we've got some excitement planned. Stay tuned! (video will be provided)

After that stop I drove over to see Carl. Today is his 74th birthday and Pam baked him cookies that I delivered. We had a nice visit, as usual.

I'm glad the NBA and players didn't come to an agreement. Greed has consumed both sides and they deserve whatever grief they can impose upon each other. Alas, the alternative, the world of college sports, now brings to mind the term "shower scene."

Speaking of, once again it seems the better part of wisdom is to wait until the evidence is in. The then-assistant coach says he did stop what he saw going on and did contact police. As one who was once falsely accused of serious charges I'm perhaps particularly inclined to be cautious in hurrying to conclusions.

Herman Cain pulled a Perry. He may have survived groping charges but nobody gets past a You Tube moment. Hope he enjoyed his 15 minutes 'cause the timer just went off. But poor Mitt can't catch a break to save his life. Now he's got a salamander hounding him. It's generally agreed that Gingrich may be the best of the lot in terms of pure intelligence and maybe political experience, too. And therein lies the problem. Both Romney and Gingrich have spent enough time in upper level politics that they look like, well, politicians. And that's not a big plus on the resume' these days. Now a pizza peddler....

Not all the cookies she baked went to Carl. I've got a plate of them out in the kitchen.
I'm headed to the kitchen.

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