Friday, November 25, 2011

If the Pope dies is he being promoted or fired?

Thanksgiving is behind us and the period of cheesy Christmas movies is upon us.
They were playing Christmas music at the gym. I turned up the Queen in my headphones.

The morning news shows spent lots of time on the Black Friday phenomenon. NBC interviewed the CEO of Best Buy and asked about their decision to open at midnight, hours earlier than previous years. She questioned the intrusion by the retail industry upon one of the biggest family days of the year and how he justified their decision. He responded that Best Buy has to meet the customers where they are, and because other businesses decided to open earlier they had to follow suit.

I think I see where this is headed. Why midnight? Why not 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving?
But he's right; retailers will always do only what the customers want. It was a calculated risk for those stores that decided to open at midnight. They weighed the increased costs, monetary and non-monetary, against the potential sales and concluded it made sense to open earlier. The retailers will do the same math next year and act accordingly, including opening before midnight if it makes business sense. Why shouldn't they? The trend will only stop, or reverse itself when the hard math of economics - whether it's reduced sales figures, or problems getting willing employees, or some other factor - tip the other way.

Railing against the retailers is misplaced disgust. "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Given the lack of financial self-discipline among 90% of American shoppers I don't think we can draw any conclusions about an improvement in the U.S. economy based on Black Friday sales figures. But it may be safe to draw conclusions about people who go out in the middle of the night to shop. I can't believe how many people I know who actually chose to do that. I would sooner eat nothing but cauliflower and broccoli for a week than go shopping in those crowds.
Brussels sprouts? Hmmm. That's a tough one.

I the spirit of optimism, hoping to get Isla back in a week or so, today I ordered:

  1. headliner rods and insulation
  2. mohair headliner, tan
  3. Wiring harnesses, complete with all major and minor wires, grommets and fittings
  4. Engine compartment insulation kit
  5. Engine compartment-to-body seals
  6. Engine-to-body mounting pads
I'll be ready when it is!

I'm still trying to figure out how to do the "Shop Small" bit tomorrow. We have a local grocery chain here called Basha's. They make pretty good donuts.


Anonymous said...

In Washington (maybe elsewhere) Wal-Mart opened at 10 PM Thanksgiving evening.

Jen said...

Here too (re: Wal-mart).

Speaking of Queen, you can vote for the Queen Extravaganza finalists here until the 28th:

Marc Martel (Nashville, TN) is the Downhere guy. David Martel (next to him) is his brother.