Saturday, November 26, 2011

A cat will blink when struck with a hammer.

Pam has a nasty cold that kept her home from work today. I shopped local on "Shop Small Saturday" by going up the street to the Phoenix area grocery chain to get a frozen pizza for dinner.
She's better tonight than she was this morning and plans to go to church tomorrow. Tough to keep her away from her kiddos.

We sent another big rocket into space today. This one carries a rover that will be lowered by a special mechanical parachute onto the surface of Mars where it will drive around and look for any signs of life, including evidence of life from billions of years ago.
A few days ago I read an article on Wikipedia about NASA and the space program that said most Americans overestimate the size of the space agency's budget and underestimate the dollars it pumps back into the economy. I understand; all those parts come from someplace and the salaries go to people who buy groceries and jet skis. But in the end we're shooting it all into space and the practical value of whatever is learned from that roving around is minimal at best.
We have bridges falling apart, antiquated municipal utilities, and a system of rails that gets little or no attention. Never mind the budget deficit, if we're going to spend money we have a whole list of terrestrial projects that would also use domestic parts and pay salaries but with an end result of much greater practical value for life as we live it.
I must be missing something.

Big day tomorrow. With Matt gone I will lead songs, too, but the kids are going to help me. They don't know that yet but getting our 1st to 4th graders to come up - that's about a dozen kids - won't be a problem. We'll have fun.
The oldest kid at Pathway is in the 4th grade - except for Jake who is a H.S. sophomore. I love that we have that many young children. Some mornings we'll have 30 children, half the congregation. Not only does it bode well for our future but it's an incredible opportunity to minister at a crucial stage in life. These kids are learning God's Word and the value they have to this congregation.

I still have some grading to do before I can call it a night. When I left the college I thought I was done with this thrilling task. However, I am thrilled at a group of adults who will take an exam and turn it in for grading. Says a lot about their eagerness to learn the Bible.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Dave heard a guy speak at a Christian Camping Conference several years ago. He was talking about some event where he was able to lead "four-and-a-half people to the Lord". Everyone assumed the "half" was a child, but he said no. The half was an adult. The four children had their whole lives yet to live for the Lord. The adult's life was half over.