Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening." - Barbara Tober

I am SO Sunday night. This will be an early night even by Sun City standards.

I went out after church to see Pat and his progress. Each time I go I learn more about the process and today I learned... we're not close. The imperfections that showed up when he put the first coat of primer on are all filled and he was sanding them when I got there. I asked him how much more work before painting and he said ten hours. I didn't realize he has to wet sand the whole car before paint.
In fairness, he was out of town all last week with his family for the holiday but given his crazy workload I don't see him having 10 hours during this or any week.
I also asked how long it takes each coat of paint to dry. I thought he was doing two but it will probably be three, and he said that by the time he works his way around the car and returns to the place he started that area will be dry. After paint he cleans out his gun and hoses and sets up to clear coat (another three coats) and it's the same thing - it dries so fast he goes from one coat directly to the next. Then it hardens for three days before getting "color sanded" (wet sanded), again, by hand. And finally polished.
Yeah, we're weeks out.
But I can't complain. The hours he'll have in and the price he's charging me? No way.


I'm not particularly happy that the NBA owners and players have come to an agreement. They'll begin on Christmas Day and have a 66-game season. (I think the normal is 82 or 83 games.) I was hoping their combined greed would lead to mutually assured destruction and cost them the entire season.

Pakistan may manage to end the war in Afghanistan. I heard a retired U.S. general say that without the supply base in Pakistan they're kicking us out of we can only sustain about 60 days of combat operations.

My brain is fried. See you in 24... or so.

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