Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Sesame Street

The NBA lockout has already lasted longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage.

We've got some weather coming. Things begin to deteriorate tomorrow and by tomorrow night they say we'll have winds up to 50 mph and thunderstorms. They're warning about haboobs on the east side of town as the cold front rolls in, and temps will be in the mid-60's through the weekend.

I've had some back pain lately so today I went to my dr., a really nice guy in whom I have every confidence. I just have no clue what he said. This was the visit at which he went over the results of tests I had done last week. Mostly, everything is fine. I have the beginning stages of osteo-something that involves a whole bunch of little bone spurs on all my vertebrae and I'm supposed to take some over the counter pill with vitamin D. Basically it's no big deal. He wants me to go back to the endocrinologist I saw two years ago when they diagnosed the parathyroid problem that led to surgery just in case it's recurring.
I'm thankful for modern medical science and all the information it provides. Knowledge is power. It's also totally confusing for normal people. "Cut to the chase." Numbers and medical data - both leave me glassy-eyed.

Steve comes over Saturday morning to take out the bent right side axle and replace it with a good used one. He's bringing a tool that measures brake drums to see of the other three are as bad as the one I took down to his shop two weeks ago - worn well beyond tolerances. If the other three are also bad I'll add four brake drums and outer tie rod ends to the list of things to be purchased at the end of the hiatus, and that will truly complete the chassis. I've done all the punch list things he pointed out when he was here two weeks ago. I'm eager to get the body back!

There probably won't be a post tomorrow night. The men of Pathway are going kart racing, followed by pizza. The flag drops at 7 p.m. so by the time I get home it will be past my bedtime. We'll have fun.

The Phoenix Suns home opener was supposed to be tonight. With baseball season mercifully over, no basketball and very little excitement in this year's NFL season, what's a sportscaster to do? More importantly, what's a sports viewer to do? No golf, no tennis, even NASCAR is almost done.

I was awake early and working on my sermon by 4:00. Had it done and the slides made by 7:00. But this one needs lots of walking before it's ready for delivery.
Hey Jack, wanna go work on a sermon?

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