Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What if x doesn't want to be found?

The news is especially depressing today.
Joe Paterno reported the abuse up the chain of command at Penn State but the consensus seems to be that he had a moral, if not legal obligation to also notify the cops. As a result the senior member of the college coaching fraternity will probably lose his job, going out under a cloud of suspicion instead as a living icon.

More accusers come out of the woodwork while Herman Cain continues to deny doing anything even remotely inappropriate. Is he a cad? It's hard not to recall, "I did NOT have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski." (cf. "I am not a crook.") That is, unequivocal public denials don't mean innocence. On the other hand, the two accusers who have appeared publicly seem to have questionable backgrounds. So is there fire where there's smoke?

Speaking of smoke, I spent some time on the Loop 101 and noticed smoke coming from a vehicle in front of me. He was driving a large pickup truck, an F-250 or equivalent, and pulling a flatbed trailer with another truck on it. At first I thought the smoke was from oil being burned by his engine but I soon  smelled burning rubber and realized it was one of the tires on that dual axle trailer. I accelerated quickly, pulled alongside him and laid on my horn. He was talking on his cell phone so it took him too long to look over and see me pointing wildly at his trailer. But when he did he slowed down and pulled right over to the shoulder.
It occurred to me afterward that had a tire or tires blown that trailer and the truck on it might have gone several directions at once. Maybe pulling up next to him wasn't the brightest thing to do. Oh well. It turned out fine.

So did honking on my horn not two miles later - at the lady to my left, driving the expensive BMW sedan and drifting slowly into my lane. She was talking on her cell phone, too.
She pulled back into her lane and sped up. Didn't hang up, just sped up.

From my friend, Sherry: (click to enlarge)

I heard an expert on NPR (they have a lot of experts on their radio programs) say that if Greece goes under it will be bad. But because Italy's economy is so much bigger, if they go down it will be disastrous for the world economy. The host asked, "Should we be worried?" He answered, "We should be very worried!"
Nah. I'm not at all worried. Maybe if we had a boat load of debt or a huge mortgage. But we live pretty simply, which is how we like it. Besides, God promised to meet all our needs and he's always kept that one, even through some thin patches.
I'm not the least bit worried about what happens in Rome, or in D.C. for that matter.

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