Monday, November 7, 2011

Shoot first. Ask Christian Slater.

I'm amazed at how radically my perspective on life and all things contained therein can change from a Sunday morning to a Monday. Pam must wonder what happened to her husband. And by Tuesday, when the gloom has lifted, she's gone to work all day.

Which one rates higher on the cool meter, the car or the lady? From my younger brother:
Two Classics
(You have to wait through a brief ad.)

I spent most of the morning out in the garage. The rear drums are back on and torqued down to 215 ft. lbs., the starter motor back in and the transmission filled with gear oil. The brake and clutch pedals & clutch cable are adjusted. The bearings and races are out of the front drums so they can be installed in the new drums when they arrive. So as soon as they do - along with the outer tie rod ends - I'll get those items installed and the chassis will be DONE. Until I find something else amiss.

This is as close as we get to fall weather - 48 degrees, cloudy and breezy. I spent some time this afternoon trimming hedges out front and it reminded me of raking leaves in Michigan. Sort of. By MI standards this would be a balmy fall day.

Christmas and New Years Day both fall on a Sunday this year. That's a problem for churches, especially those that rent facilities for their services. Add to the legitimate desire for families to be together on the holidays the problem of getting someone not a part of the church to show up for unlocking and locking up afterward. In the past - all three years of it - we've had a Christmas Eve service, but the elders decided to forgo it this year. Having two services basically 12 hours apart on what are perhaps the biggest family days of the year seemed unfair. So on those two Sundays we're only going to have one service - a worship service - and not our second-hour classes. And it will go from 10:00 to 11:00 instead of starting at our normal 9:00.

The Christmas Day service will be about... uhm... Christmas.
In a moment of irrational foolishness I told the elders yesterday I'd like to do a Children's Sunday on New Year's Day. I did that once a year at our church in Prunedale when I was a LOT younger and the kids in the church were older.
I have all the kids sit up front for the whole service and the parents have to sit in back and be quiet. We sing, do activities, have a Bible story, all with a freneticism that makes ADD look like strung out on pot. The oldest kid at Pathway is 9 (our granddaughter) and most of them are in the 5-7 bracket. Several of them are pretty energetic. This should be interesting.

MNF. Go Eagles!

1 comment:

Jen said...

The book in the picture *had* to be written. This book tells why. (Make sure you "Click to Look Inside!")