Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people." - Mark Twain

Today I graded the second exam. I have a really smart and committed adult Sunday School class. They did great!

Today I went to the gym and did a workout that included burpees. I hate burpees and I don't do them nearly this fast (or fluidly!). How can something that looks so basic be this exhausting?

We've had the jingle bells Hershey Kisses already. When do we get the Norelco shaver sledding down the slope?

It's Wednesday night and I have my sermon done, except it's not done. I want this one to be sharp and that's going to take a lot of honing between now and Sunday morning.

It's been a long day and tomorrow has some extra tasks, too. Plus, we've got really nasty weather on the way. They're talking rain and highs that might not get out of the upper 50's by the weekend. Brutal! So forgive a short post. I'm headed to bed early so I can be at my best through this trying time.


Anonymous said...

At E's School they use Burpees for punishment. The kids hate it, the teachers LOVE it.


Sheila said...

I hate burpees too!!!