Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage." - Woody Allen

Herman, Herman, Herman. Did you really thing you could keep all of this secret? The very first question you should have asked yourself: "How will it go when (not if) my dirty laundry is made public?" Only someone from outside politics could be so foolish.

CBS primetime on a Tuesday night, 7 p.m. (the equivalent of 8 p.m. in all other time zones):
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Yeah, SO much to love about this season of the year.

This morning I was unloading sheets of plywood and got a sliver from the edge of one. I've had plenty of slivers before and always dug them out one way or another. But this one went into the meaty part of my fingertip on one side and came out the other. Ouch! I instinctively yanked on the fat end and it broke off. I was more careful with the skinny end poking out the other side but it broke off, too, leaving the majority of the sliver inside the tip of my finger.
I finished unloading the plywood and returned Josh's truck to him and by then my finger was starting to swell. So I went to see Pam at the hospital. I figured one of their nurses would get out something sharp and sterile, cut the piece of wood out and all would be fine. None of them seemed willing.
What's the point of having a wife who works at a hospital if you can't get some minor medical care on the sly?
They said I needed to go across the street to the urgent care center and then told me about a boy they had just discharged who had surgery to clean up an infection from a sliver in his hand.
Did you know that when they want to numb your fingertip they give you Novocain shots on either side of the base of that finger? Then she went to digging with a variety of sharp instruments until she dug it out. At least she thinks she got it all out. It was far enough into the meat of my finger that she could only feel it, not see it. So now I take antibiotics and soak it in hot water three times a day so anything left in there will...float out??

Fascinating lady. She's a Physician's Assistant who started her career in cancer research at Sloan-Kettering in NY but wanted to work with people not lab equipment. So she went back to school to get her P.A. certification and has been doing this for 30 years. (She's roughly my age.) She still has some Brooklyn accent and NY 'tude.  Her dad spent all of his adult life driving a taxi in NYC.
I love hearing people's stories and besides being a good PA, at least when it comes to dealing with deeply embedded slivers, she was a true character.

I don't have the courage to do this, but it would be fun:
Next Time You're Bored...

We have a passel of great kids at Pathway. Bright, active, fun. The oldest is our granddaughter, Megan, who is 9. The 28 or so other kids are all younger. So you can imagine the energy in that room on a Sunday morning.
Evan is in first grade. Today he won his class spelling bee. That's pretty cool all by itself but if you knew how very far Evan has come you, too, would be teary-eyed over this accomplishment. His parents, who have patiently and faithfully worked with him, are pretty cool, too.

The people, especially the short ones, are the best part!

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