Friday, November 18, 2011

WWSS? (What Would Siri Say?)

Today I learned:
That the next time I need a sermon illustration of "counter-intuitive" I can use the outer tie rod end on the left side of a '62 VW instead of the lug nuts on a '61 Chrysler. DAMHIK.
If you step on a tube of white lithium grease the results are predictable and messy.
There are some really old Jehovah's Witness ladies. I suppose it's predictable they'd sentence assign them to troll Sun City.

I remember when Natalie Wood died. It was really big news at the time because she was probably the hottest female actress of the time, and even then there were some odd things about her death.  Three people were on the boat that night: Wood, her husband Robert Wagner, and actor Christopher Walkin. The L.A. Sheriffs Dept. says Wagner is not a suspect. Hmmm. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Re. the tie rod ends, the right side outer is supposed to be right hand threads but the one he gave me is left hand. Grrr. I called him and he swapped it out for the correct one. It involved an hour's trip, but now, aside from bleeding the brakes which Pam will help me with tomorrow, the chassis is DONE.

From the, "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" department...
A transgender person in Florida is under arrest for practicing medicine without a license. He (she?) injected the butt cheeks of a woman who wanted a bigger booty. The injection involved a concoction of cement, Fix-a-Flat, olive oil and super glue. The police think there might be other victims of this entrepreneur who are too embarrassed to come forward. Ya' think??

Earlier this week Joe Paterno transfered his interest in the family home to his wife for the sum of $1. The report I read about that implied he did so to protect the house from any lawsuits that may arise from the child sexual abuse case. When I heard about it I thought about my grandparents. Coincidentally, I learned a couple of months ago that after Grandpa had a stroke he transfered their house to my Grandmother for the sum of $1 in what is called a Quick Claim Deed. He did that because he didn't want her to go through the hassles of a probate procedure if he died in the near future.
Today it was announced that Joe Paterno has lung cancer.

I subscribe to TIME and World Magazine. The former lets me see how the secular press views the world and what's going on within it. World Magazine helps me look at some of the same items from a thoughtful Christian perspective. It's an excellent magazine, worth every penny of what I pay for it. In addition to the news stories it has reviews of movies and music, feature stories and columns that almost always give me something new to think about or a fresh way to view a familiar topic.
I don't think I've ever recommended any kind of product in this blog (unless you count vintage VW's) but after spending time today reading the current issue I'm making an exception.

I like the "Shop Small" campaign. Small Business Saturday is a week from tomorrow. I don't spend a lot of money, mostly because I hate shopping. But I'm going to look for an opportunity on that day to patronize a local business.


steve_macd said...

"Quit Claim Deed" - ain't nothing quick about real estate and transfering deeds!

Jen said...

We subscribe to World magazine too. We also get God's World News--their children's magazines. We use them for current events in homeschooling.