Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations.

I woke up this morning with stomach cramps that had me anticipating a day in the bathroom. It got better, but not good. I've eaten very little, avoided Diet Coke (!) and spent most of the day doing that which can be done from my chair.

I did get four coats of varnish on the trailer sides. Four more tomorrow, Deo volente.

Spent a lot of time going back and forth between iTunes and Garage Band. I think I have the music for Sunday done - six songs all of which have motions. I think this is why I go to the gym. God knew I was going to need a high level of aerobic fitness. Keeping up with five-year olds could be difficult. But it's fun going back to songs I sang at that age.
Zaccheus was a wee little man who was a child of Father Abraham and did not march in the infantry.

In two unrelated Facebook posts today one friend urged me to consider Ron Paul as a candidate and another said "Do NOT support this guy!" I guess you call that polarizing.
The latter warned about him because of Paul's lack of the blind, unquestioning support of Israel that is a staple of so many American evangelicals. I've got some real reservations about Ron Paul but that isn't one of them.
See, I'm a dispensationalist.

This week in the media is all about lists.
My song would be Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. I watched the official music video on You Tube today and it's pretty good but I think I prefer just the song sans visuals.
New TV show would be Person of Interest on CBS.
Old movie(s) would be anything with John Wayne. We watched a marathon of his westerns last week. Good stuff.
Best new tech discovery (mine): Google Chrome. Less is definitely more.

Maybe I'll try to think of more favorites.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I don't know why but a little Coke seems to help settle my stomach when it is upset. Also, 3 to 4 ibuprofens with a diet Coke cures a migraine for me and all the others with whom I've shared this remedy. Diet Pepsi doesn't work nor does regular Coke.

wrhstheatrearts said...

Dave really likes Person of Interest. I like it too, but I find myself asking, "Why is Jesus working for Benjamin Linus?"

Jen said...

That last one was me. Sorry. I was logged in under the homeschool musical blog name.

Jim Hunter said...

+1 for John Wayne movies. Watched Red River for the first time only this wknd (thank you, comcast on-demand!). How did I overlook that one all this time?