Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"By the time I'd grown up, I naturally supposed that I'd be grown up." - Eve Babitz

Heh, heh.
Pam agrees it doesn't seem right to pull a retro teardrop trailer behind a 2009 Kia Sorento.
I'm halfway there.
How 'bout this?
Small V-8, dual carb, 3 on the tree and 46,000 miles. AND it has AC!

There are now eight coats of urethane on the trailer sides. The can calls for four, the guy who created these plans says 7-9, and I'm going to stop at eight. I can only get four coats on per day because of dry time and a minimum temp of 50 degrees, which happens around 10:30 a.m. The only thing I don't like is that it's not all that smooth, perhaps because the temps during application are between 50 and 70 degrees. I'm not sure it flows out like it otherwise would. I may try some VERY light sanding with 0000 steel wool after it's fully cured.

We had our postponed family Christmas gathering tonight. Pam was sick for the original date. Michelle is back in Michigan visiting her family but it's not like we have a big production. We met at Barrow's Pizza, got the booth over in the corner and stuffed ourselves. It's mostly about the grandkids and Pam had made both of them some neat things. Caedon got a dinosaur she made that looks like leather and something called a "throwing snake" that she knit. She also knit a really nice outfit for Megan's American Girl doll.

Tomorrow she's having outpatient knee surgery. I asked her on the way into town exactly what they're doing and she doesn't exactly know, but it doesn't exactly matter. So long as it eliminates the pain she'll be happy. She had the same thing done to the other knee when we lived in Michigan and it made a big improvement so we're hoping for the same thing this time.

I'll bring her home early afternoon, get her settled into her chair, and watch her sleep for awhile. Then I'll head into town for our Pathway dessert potluck. No kiddos, just adults! We'll play a couple of simple mixer games but mostly it's about just hanging out. Because we meet at a school we have fixed entry and exit times on Sunday mornings which limits the opportunity for socializing. I'm looking forward to it.

Right now, though, I'm inexplicably tired. But I know how to fix that.


Jim Hunter said...

The only tow vehicle for a teardrop camp trailer is an 40s or 50s vintage sedan or station wagon, the combination I remember seeing at the campgrounds as a kid:

- Jim

Craig MacDonald said...

Jim, that's a GREAT picture! But look how big those trailer tires are, and how far back the axle is. I like the size - lowers rpm - but it seems like it would bounce with the axle that far rearward.
Re. the car, because we live in Phoenix I want something with AC so I can drive it year 'round. I already have one car I can't drive in the summer; the VW just doesn't work when it's over 100 degrees (never mind 110). Luxury cars had it earlier but in blue collar cars it seems to show up around 1960 or so. And it just doesn't seem right to pull a woody teardrop with a luxury car.