Friday, December 30, 2011

A ship carrying blue paint collided with a ship carrying red paint. The crews are marooned.

My mind is on Sunday's service at Pathway - one hour with the kids up front with me, and the adults sitting in back, quiet and behaving themselves. It's going to be an active hour that will take all the energy  I can muster and I expect to be exhausted afterward. I honestly don't know how it will go; kids are a notoriously tough crowd. But even if it's a little ragged, so long as they feel special to be up front for the whole hour and the sole focus of their pastor's attention I will have accomplished my objective.
The adults think I'm there for them. A little. Here's the real significance:

Raison d'etre
the kids of Pathway, a sampler
(there are more, I just don't have pics of them)


Jen said...

All I see are exclamation points in triangles. That's not right...right?

Craig MacDonald said...

OK, I fixed it. I deleted some pics from a Picasa account I didn't know I had and it yanked them off my blog. I didn't have any idea that Blogspot was a Google product, that I had a Picasa account, or that the two are tied together. I have other, older posts now with black ! where there should be a pic but I can't go back and fix them all.
Oh well.

Jen said...

Such cuties! Thanks for fixing the pictures. = )