Saturday, December 17, 2011

Don't use a big word when a diminutive word will suffice.

I saw an ad on TV this morning for the Catholic Church.
"Aided by the Holy Spirit we compiled the Bible."
I had no idea! I wonder if the Jews know that.

Our word for the week: Hubris. (see above)

The Shootist was on this afternoon. A good movie, but what makes it especially poignant is that John Wayne knew he was dying of cancer when he made it. Art imitates life.

I had a busy day but got lots done. It's easy when you've got a treat at the end of the day.
This is Brandie. She and Jeff and their three kids attend Pathway. That smile is pretty much always there.

Every year at Christmas time Brandie makes desserts and has an open house for friends and neighbors. But saying Brandie makes desserts is like saying Lamborghini makes cars.

You should click to look at these pictures in a larger format.
Yes, those are truffles and they taste even better than they look. The sugar cookies are individual works of art. The little cheese cakes? MMMM! And these are just some of the plates. This many more.

It's a drop in affair, very casual and relaxed, like the Grays. It's fun to meet people. I've noticed that each year the attendance seems to grow. Everybody from last year and a few new ones. Nobody who has been to Brandie's dessert gathering misses it next time.

We're having a dessert potluck for the adults at Pathway on the 29th.
Shhh. It's a shameless ploy to get another taste of Brandie's creations.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Let's see...if we leave WI as soon as my extended family leaves for MN, then we could be in AZ in time for dessert potluck!

Brandie looks so sweet & happy. I like her already.