Sunday, December 18, 2011

I work well with others - when they leave me alone.

Ever have that feeling something really bad is about to happen?

I admit, I'm not pleased.
Pat left a voice mail saying the rainy weather has kept him from painting so there was no reason to drive out today. He also said he's leaving town tonight and hopes to be back Wednesday night. Last week he told me he'd be home all this coming week so would certainly have it painted and ready to pick up by Wednesday or so. I'll be shocked if he gets it done.
He has six cars in the auctions that run the middle week of January which means the crunch is on to get them looking their best.
Yeah, not happy.
But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised while it's still 2011.

The Packers lose and the Colts win. Two perfect streaks broken.

It was three weeks ago that the "sliver" pierced the tip of my ring finger and required a trip to the med center. The P.A. said there might still be remnants in my finger despite the digging she did, and she was right. It's swollen and nasty looking but I think the next 24 hours or so will see that piece or pieces pushed out the surface.
The body is a pretty amazing thing. Almost like Someone knew what they were doing.

I'm thankful our soldiers are out of harm's way in Iraq. I hate the pictures of wounded young men and women, and the interviews with military widows. But I wonder how long before Iraq descends into sectarian violence that fills the vacuum we've left.
Barbara Walters asked the President if our troops were coming home victorious. Why couldn't he say yes? Why did he have to equivocate? And when she pressed him - "Would you describe it as victorious??" - he would go no further than the word "successful."
Sir, don't preach to Republicans about partisan rhetoric.

It's Sunday night. I feel like I've been run over by a Kenworth and I can't, in good conscience, watch a third football game. So we're watching that "Funny Videos" show, Pam's laughing out loud, and I'm going to bury my face in the plate of walnut squares that Brandie brought me from last night's open house.
But even with walnut squares I can tell I'm not going to last long.

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