Monday, December 19, 2011

Guns don't kill people. Dads with pretty daughters kill people.

Saab sob.
They were a noteworthy company back in the day, when they were Swedish. Then GM bought them and it was downhill from there.
Trivia question: what unique feature associated with starting 'em up distinguished Saabs from other cars? (I think recently some other makers copied it.)

We miss having animals. Chickens are easy to raise, fun to watch and it's nice to have fresh eggs every day. Most people don't realize how much deterioration there is in eggs from a supermarket until they crack a fresh egg into a pan.
Rabbits take even less work until butchering day, but that only takes an hour or two. And there's something about superintending the process from breeding to birth to butchering that connects you with nature in a way that buying cellophane-wrapped meat at the grocery store just can't match.
Don't do pigs. I did a pig once. One time too many. Don't do pigs.
Nothing compares to goats. We got Angel when she was two days old and I bottle fed her every few hours until she was weaned. A baby goat has irresistible cuteness. They are FULL of playfulness and joy.
Need convincing? Watch this.

The issue of TIME that arrived Saturday has their Person of the Year cover and article. You've probably heard that they named the protestor their PotY. They include a whole section on various protestors, from men and women who were part of the Arab Spring to several involved in the Occupy movement. Neither interest me so I just skipped over the biggest single section of the magazine.

The next section includes a series of brief biographies of people who made the short list, followed by a section on noteworthy people who died in 2011. I find the latter especially interesting because I didn't know about some of them - individuals who made an impact in a wide variety of fields.

Reading those vignettes got me to thinking about people I've encountered in my life who, while unknown outside a small circle of friends and family, are noteworthy for their ....
In some cases it's their servant's heart, for others their faithfulness in adverse circumstances, or using particular skills for the benefit of the group instead of self advancement.

It's the time of year for making lists and I thought a bit about who would go on my Noteworthy People list. I've had the privilege of knowing and working with many great folks, but some stand out. A few of those have left this life for their reward and some of them I will probably precede because I'm older than they are. It's a list that will only exist in my head; I won't write it down. Those still living would take issue with me. That's a sine quo non of being on the list.

Who would go on your list?

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