Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do they get the deer to cross at those yellow signs?


I spent time on the phone last night with my dad trying to figure out why he gets no sound from his computer when playing a You Tube video. We know his speakers work because he can play a music CD just fine.
We couldn't figure it out, not surprising when we're trying to do it over the phone, he's got a PC & I have a Mac, and he's not familiar with some of the icons, menus, etc.
This morning I did a search for "no sound Firefox You Tube" and came up with several sites that address the problem. He's not the only one! But what confuses me is that the top four or five sites were...
wait for it...
You Tube videos on solving the problem.

I dug out the piece of wood left in my finger from that incident three weeks ago. My body had finally pushed it close enough to the surface. We've decided I'll make a small bookcase out of it.
My finger feels like there may be more in there.

Saabs had the ignition switch down by the gear shift lever. It also served as a lock on the transmission.
Back in the day Saabs shared a reputation with Volvos as extremely well built, safe cars. GM bought them and ended that.

In an email posted to his campaign website Rick Perry twice referred to the just dead N. Korean leader as "Kim Jung the Second" instead of Kim Jung Il.
To quote MNF, "C'mon, man!" 

Major frustration. Two weeks later the order hasn't arrived from Wisconsin, and I'm increasingly pessimistic that I'll get the body back from Pat this week...or next. I'm not by nature a patient person and this significantly exceeds my tolerances.

Tony Dungy is a total class act!

My work load is heavier than usual because of some special events at Pathway over the next two weeks, events for which I'm responsible. I was up early trying to work ahead and needed a break about 9:00, so I took Jack over to the dog park. The only other dog was a 5-year old Golden Lab who wanted to play which, for Jack, means running! The Lab couldn't keep up but Jack didn't really care. Once he gets going you can feel his joy at open field running. The Lab's owner had never seen a Greyhound run like that and commented on his stride. "It's like his back bends in the middle." That's an accurate description, because a Greyhound's spine is especially flexible and coils/unwinds like a spring. Greyhounds aren't particularly affectionate or responsive dogs but they are very good at doing what they were designed to do and the elan is palpable.

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."

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