Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I like cats, especially in a white gravy.

The parts shipment arrived today! It shipped to the wrong address - a house our kids haven't lived in for four months - but the lost is found. The bummer is that I sent the first somewhat stern email when today's mail here at our house brought nothing. Then this afternoon....
I've left messages on two of their phone numbers and sent an email to tell them. I feel bad for their anxiety and hope they can blow it off. Life happens.

I've gained two pounds in the last week. I think I probably gained those two pounds in the 24 hours during which I ate the entire plate of walnut squares Brandie gave me Sunday. I love those things, and each one represents about a half stick of butter.
So this afternoon I added 15 minutes of strenuous aerobic exercise to the normal regimen and will continue with that until I've worked off those walnut squares.

The son of a former college classmate is a career Marine now stationed in S. Korea. We're friends on Facebook. This afternoon he posted the following: (and if the "punctuation" offends you more than the post blesses you, well, get over it)
While having my ID checked at the installation access gate the soldier said to me, "Merry Christmas, Sergeant." I replied with "Merry Christmas" and asked him why he didn't say "Happy Holidays" instead. He replied, "With all due respect, Sergeant, screw that stupid sh**. I was brought up celebrating Christmas, so that's what I'm gonna celebrate. If others get offended, they can kiss my a**." I absolutely love the indomitable spirit of the American soldier.

I made good progress on church projects today. I felt extra motivation from waking up in the middle of the night worrying about getting it all done.
That's the good news.
The Problem: all that work plus the extra output at the gym and I'm seriously wasted.
Done for the day.

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