Sunday, December 11, 2011

Even at a Mensa convention someone is the dumbest guy in the room.

I knew broccoli was good for something.

This will be brief. My body feels like I've done 387 burpees and my brain is flickering with the last few synapses of the foreseeable future. But I must mention...

What a wonderful surprise it was to see Bill and Nancy Rigg walk into Pathway this morning. He's someone God used at one of several key junctures in my life to minister to me in a critical way. At the time Bill was Dean of Students and showed me grace and compassion when I was a lost college freshman. I'm not sure I would have made it through that horrible year without his help. I haven't seen Bill & Nancy (a special lady in her own right) for years but as soon as I laid eyes on them this morning I felt blessed. 

After church I drove out to Pat's. We're close, real close. He said another hour and a half of sanding and Ilsa will be read for paint. He doesn't know what the rest of his week looks like. There's an outside chance it will be done this Thursday, but if not he says it will be the end of next week. Can you hear my heart going pitty-pat?

In between seeing the Riggs walk into the room and going out to Tonopah I spent the morning with the people of Pathway. 
If you know me you know I am not inclined to overstatement, but I think this morning was pivotal. 
Good people, these. Good people.

Now I'm going to have a cup of strong coffee in the hopes that will keep me conscious until 7:30.
Tomorrow is going to foggy with a chance of not much happening.

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