Monday, December 12, 2011

Never squat while wearing spurs.

Mitt Romney bet Rick Perry $10,000 that he had never written that the MA health care law should be implemented on a national basis.
Lindsay Lohan had her purse stolen over the weekend when she was in Hawaii. It was returned, but with $10,000 in cash missing.
Coincidence? I don't think so.

The minute I head out to the garage to work Pam changes the radio to Christmas music.
What's a Scrooge to do?

The drizzle started about 7:00 this morning and will continue through to Wednesday morning. I don't think it has rained like that since we moved here over five years ago. Storms usually arrive and leave within a few hours. This is positively Seattle-like, and the cloud cover has mid-day highs only in the upper 50's, so the weather outside is indeed frightful. Wish we had a fireplace for this cold, damp weather.

I paid $3.11 for gas today. I don't know whether to be pleased or horrified.

Chris Carter on the ESPN pre-game show tonight re. Tim Tebow:
"He's never failed. He doesn't have pictures in his head of himself failing. So he has tremendous confidence in himself when the pressure is on."
I don't know if that's accurate with regard to Tebow but it sure is true. The pictures we have of ourselves are powerful influences on our behavior. The pictures may or may not be accurate; perception, including self-perception, determines reality.
"I could never do that" comes from someone who sees a picture of themselves trying and failing, failure being unacceptable for one reason or another.
If failure is OK then trying carries no particular risk and brings the potential for the satisfaction of accomplishment. Why not try? What's the worst that can happen?
There are exceptions. Things like cliff diving and do-it-yourself cosmetic surgery. But I hope I never get paralyzed by the fear of failure that comes from pictures inside my head. There's too much fun to be had.

On the Today Show over the weekend they did a segment on buying tech gifts for Christmas that included a short piece on flat screen TV's. The guy said to think about the future, which means getting a TV that's 3D and big. He went on to say that "If it's for your kids bedroom it's probably OK to get a smaller LCD that's just 2D, but if it's going in your main entertainment area you should spring for the best and latest."
I was apparently napping when it became standard to put a TV in your kid's bedroom. Call me old fashioned but I'm not seeing it.
Tonight I saw an ad for what they claim is the biggest flat screen on the market, coming in at 72" (measured diagonally). Everybody is seeing that! I'm not sure we have a wall in our house big enough for a TV like that, never mind having to sit outside to be the appropriate distance away.

1 comment:

steve_macd said...

I know a house with the wall space and room for a 72" TV (cough..Christmas present)