Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long." - Ogden Nash

Where pumpkin pie comes from.

I learned yesterday that in the song "California Dreaming" by The Mama's and the Papas the lyrics go:
All the leaves are down, and the sky is gray,
I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
All these years I thought the leaves were brown.
I need TTY on radios.

Never mind how my mind got there; it doesn't matter. This morning I was thinking about how nice new things feel. My can of shaving creme (or is it cream?) is empty but I shook the b'jeebers out of it this morning so I can use the new can tomorrow. I love how thick it is when the can is full and on Sunday mornings those small pleasures help start the pressure day off right.
New sheets, new towels, a new saw blade....
Things wear slowly and we don't realize how much of their crispness, thickness, sharpness, etc. they've lost until we replace them. Then we think, "Why did I keep ____ that long? Now I realize it was shot."

Admit it: you've had the same thought about underwear. You get new stuff and realize how stretched out and saggy the old pairs were.
And that got me to thinking about the wear bars they build into tires. When you see them you know it's time for new tires.
So someone should come up with wear bars for underwear. It could be a thin strip of color that fades away after, say, 1,000 washings. When you don't see that blue stripe anymore - time to get yourself some new BVD's!
I should patent this idea, huh.

I like tall baseboards with a shoe molding, both painted a pure semi-gloss white. That's what I put throughout our house as I re-did each room.
I like having the windows open so the fresh air can move through the house.
I don't like the layer of desert grit that gets on everything, including the baseboards, this time of year. And there's no way to clean it off except wiping them down with a wet rag. Rinse and move on. Ugh.

OK, I've got to iron tomorrow's shirt and pack my case for the morning. Then I'll crash the rest of the evening. Some coffee and a piece of pie followed by an early bedtime.


Jen said...

A thousand washings?! If you do a load of whites once per week, then you'd be keeping those undies around for more than NINETEEN YEARS.


MacDaddy said...

There is a wear strip on underwear. It 'appears' as the underwear gets older. When the brown line shows it's face, its time to replace.

Sue said...

One time, several years ago, I was folding laundry and I blurted out to Mike, "Doesn't it bother you that you wear tighty whities?!" He replied, " apparently it bothers you." After that he bought boxer briefs.

Moral: It doesn't matter how old or new they are, if you're wearing those white things and you're not a kid you look like a dork.