Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them. " - Bill Vaughan

Each morning, as soon as the sun is up, we open all the blinds and shades to get the solar heating effect. Each evening just before sunset they get closed to keep that heat from escaping through the glass. But this cold snap (by Phoenix standards) has nighttime lows in the mid-30's and daytime highs only in the 50's. Each day over the last four or five the temp inside our house has lost a couple of degrees as solar heating can't keep up with the cold outside. This morning the thermostat read 65 and this evening shows we only gained two degrees on this sunny but chilly day. So, can we hold out and keep from turning on the heat? By the end of the week we're supposed to have daytime highs back into the mid-60's but I'm wondering what the thermostat will read tomorrow morning.

I'm not comfortable with the administration's announcement that foreign aid will henceforth be given out with consideration for gay rights in recipient countries. I vigorously disapprove of persecution based on sexual preference, but I'd feel better about this if we were equally diligent about consideration of protections for the unborn in recipient countries.

The "Occupy Movement" has taken a more direct approach, occupying houses vacant through foreclosure. Isn't this called squatting?

NBC Nightly News did a segment tonight on how Presidents age while in office and showed before/after pictures to illustrate the effects of those stressful years. Lines, jowls, gray hair and a generally tired look.
Pam and I had a conversation recently about the aging process we see in ourselves. I knew what happens as years pass but it's disturbing to actually see it in myself. I'm not talking dementia or ... I forgot the other thing.
The skin on my arms and hands looks different. I can see a hint of jowls, and what's with the nose and ear hair?
It's OK. Each age has its own advantages and I enjoy this unique set. And I won't let a number define who I am or how I live. It's just weird to watch the outside of me changing.

The day's to-do list still has items not crossed off. Back to work.

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