Thursday, January 5, 2012

Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.

How'd this guy get a window??

Mike & Mike In the Morning (ESPN2) often has Mark Schlereth as a guest. He's a retired NFL pro-bowl offensive lineman, his son is a pitcher for the Tigers, and he knows sports, besides being very likable.
This morning they talked about playing football in seriously cold weather and that you never see linemen wearing long sleeves. Greenberg implied it was foolish bravado, a macho mentality that made no sense. Schlereth schooled him:

Every lineman on both sides of the ball holds on almost every play. They just don't get called for it most of the time. Wearing long sleeves gives your opponent fabric to grab and therefore gives him an advantage.
But wait! There's more!
Before a game they grease up their bare arms to make holding even more difficult. When getting dressed they put on their pads and then put double-stick carpet tape on them. Their jersey is so small and tight that Schlereth says it takes three people to get in on, and then they push it down on that carpet tape. All of that to make it more difficult for your opponent to grab.

This kind of info is why you should all be watching Mike & Mike in the Morning. Or reading my blog.

I wish I had synesthesia. Imagine how cool it would be to have ADD and synesthesia!

DirectTV unveiled their new menu format this morning, at least on our TV. It includes a list of our favorite programs. The weird thing is I have no recollection of ever watching Sponge Bob Squarepants, and I'm pretty sure Pam doesn't, either, unless they have a cooking segment.
Creme of Starfish Soup?

Tough sermon Sunday. I've got it written but it is a LONG way from done. Yikes.

As of last Sunday Pathway Bible Church is four years old.
We meet at Litchfield Elementary School, the oldest in the district. They're building a new cafeteria to replace the current facility which probably dates back to the late 50's. The new one will be on a different part of the campus and they've already begun construction, with plans to tear down the current cafeteria over summer break. That meant we'd have to move to a different school during the summer months because we use that cafeteria for our worship services. OK; it makes us a moving target but what can we do?
Last Sunday we showed up and discovered the water was shut off to the entire campus! Yep, no water in restrooms. Because it was Christmas break the construction company figured it was OK to shut it off so they could connect some of the new pipes. Thankfully, we only had one service.
Monday I got an email from our contact person at the district office saying that was likely to happen on weekends in the future as the construction progresses and we should plan on moving over to the other school this month.
We just did a major ad campaign that included our location and upgraded the website. Now three weeks later we learn this. Pathway will have met in five locations in four years and it will be six when we move back in the fall. Talk about a moving target!

I confess to some frustration lately. I'm very pleased with the ministry of Pathway but frustrated by the lack of numerical growth. We have an extremely high retention rate; I'd say that 90% of those who visit end up staying. But we cannot get significant numbers of visitors through the front door. And now that the front door is moving again....

I'm glad God knows what he's doing. But I wouldn't mind if he filled us in on his plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We, too, had Sponge Bob Square Pants on our list. Maybe DirecTV has a production interest in that show. Or, maybe they have the ability to judge the IQ of their viewers and, based on the results, recommend shows geared toward that IQ. We've been exposed, Bro.