Friday, January 6, 2012

There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.

Josh, Aubri and I went to the school Pathway will move to the end of the month. It's a 10-year old building instead of 40+ years old so the general feeling of the place is a lot better. And maybe after we work out some of the logistical issues it will work fine.
My contact at the district office told me the maintenance supervisor (head janitor) did NOT like having churches meet at his school. I now know why. He said the last group came in on Friday nights with truck loads of equipment they set up. They even had a lift for getting up to the ceiling so they could cover the skylights. That is SO typical of the churches here; it's all about production values. Monster sound systems, killer band, light bars...
Everything Pathway has fits in the back of our Sorento and sets up in 15 minutes.
He was pleased.

I can't remember the last time it happened.
I asked Pam if it had a name but she couldn't remember what the recipe card said. It had beans and little white things in it and was served in a bowl with a spoon. I had two helpings, if a spoonful counts as a helping.
The really bad news? Pam is working the next two nights and this was going to be my dinner.
Can't do it.

I have given up on Pat. He's given me so many "ready" dates that I can't put stock in anything he'd tell me now. I had been calling him, but will just wait. and wait. Sooner or later he'll need the space it's taking up and will paint it just to get it out of the way.
He's such a nice guy it's hard to get angry with him. But I think I'm there.

I frequently talk in sermons about using my 4-color pen as I read my Bible. I'm now to the point where I don't know how I'd get along without it. I actually have two - on my desk and by my chair - so I always have one at hand.
This morning I circled all the "one man" occurrences in Rom. 5:12-21 in red and all the references to "gift" or "grace" (same Greek root) in green.

I'm hungry. I think I'll go out to that room with the big white thing that gets hot and see if I can find something to eat.

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