Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"I only know two pieces; one is 'Clair de Lune' and the other one isn't." - Victor Borge

If you don't know who Victor Borge was (quoted above) you need to do a You Tube search and watch some of his stuff. He was something special. A virtuoso with a fun sense of humor.

Today I met a man who came from the east side of Michigan after putting in 36 years with Ford. He was an engineer and worked in the product development department. Nice guy. He said he worked on cars that would hit the market three years later. How cool! The last project he was involved with was the Flex.

His granddaughter, who talked the WHOLE time, is a four and a half-year old named Malena. That was my sister's middle name. Chuck said he's never heard anyone else with that name, so I told him it was a family name and I think it's Scandinavian. I asked her, "Are you Scandinavian?"
"No! I'm Malena."
Grandpa got the joke and chuckled. They're Black.

I got a bit snarky with a post on Facebook today. Almost no one got it. They missed the sarcasm altogether. What's the point of sarcasm if people take you seriously?

"What if Bill O'Reilly is doing the same thing as John Stewart, just doing it so well that people think he's for real?"

I'm varnishing the inside of the trailer sides. I stained the outside but left the inside natural. Now that it's got four coats of varnish I think I like that better than the side with the stain and varnish. (It's birch veneer plywood.) I'll ask Pam which she likes better and if she agrees I'll swap sides and put the outside in.

I don't have a huge sweet tooth but I do like to have dessert in the evening. Pam will bake a pan of brownies or get a pie from the store bakery, maybe some sweet rolls. Yesterday, knowing she had nothing in the house, she picked up an small assortment of baclava, about 10 pieces in a covered plastic tray.
The Problem: she got it at Walmart.
Almost nothing other than toiletries should be purchased at Walmart, and certainly not baclava.
Don't ever buy baclava from Walmart.

Who and where is Mrs. Ron Paul? Is there a Mrs. Ron Paul?
John Huntsman's father invented the styrofoam clamshell that holds hamburgers from McDonalds and others. He's a billionaire.

"If your output exceeds your input then your upkeep will be your downfall."
For the last few weeks I've felt like I need a break. Our camping trip was last July and six months later I'm nowhere near downfall, just ready for a break.
So I'm trying to work ahead this week so I can spend the majority of next Thursday at Barrett-Jackson and of Friday at Russo Steele.
Good think I don't have any money to spend!


MacDaddy said...

Your personal trainer has concerns about your bakery intake exceeding your gym output. Your glucose upswing will be your conditioning downfall.

Craig MacDonald said...

My personal trainer has nothing to worry about so long as she brings home desserts from Walmart. Besides, I need fuel to get through the brutal workouts he has me doing.

Jen said...

I love Victor Borge. I think Phonetic Punctuation is my favorite, with Inflationary Language as a close second...or...third??? You know what I mean.