Monday, January 30, 2012

"Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." - Wilson Mizner

My brain didn't think about anything significant all day. OK, most of it.
Working with my hands is therapy and I spent almost all day on the shrink's couch. Except for the cabinet doors the front end of the trailer is done. The over-foot cabinets are designed and the key pieces stained. They'll get three coats of varnish in between Tuesday activities. I might even get the face frame made. The cabin interior is almost done.

I had lunch with two former students who are also now colleagues. Good to talk shop.
And I didn't buy a very nice '63 Nova in Bristol, PA with 43,000 original miles. Could have. Didn't. Right deal, wrong time.

My favorite line about the Republican candidates had to do with Newt's handling of his rather complex marital history.
"He has two daughters from his first wife explaining why it isn't really a problem that he cheated on his second wife with the woman who is now his third wife."
Pretty much sums it up.

When I saw him at the car auction 10 days ago Pat told me he'd be painting my car this week. We'd also agreed he'd call me before he paints so I can be there to watch the process.
One down, four to go.

I'm so old I remember when Super Bowl commercials actually aired for the first time during the Super Bowl.

And because I intentionally kept my mind busy with cutting, sanding, staining, gluing, and nailing (mental health required it) I had no even insignificant thoughts. Listened to R&R while I worked instead of NPR, and aside from lunch and figuring out that car business my brain was powered down. Tomorrow will be different, but that's OK. It promises to present opportunities for being a shepherd to the sheep, and that's very, very good.
The people are the best part.

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