Saturday, January 28, 2012

Never weed whack poison ivy in the nude.

I was wide awake at 12:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got all my Saturday church tasks done while watching the women's final of the Australian Open. I wanted Maria Sharapova to win but she got clobbered.
By 9 a.m. I was ready for a nap.
As I write this I'm near punch-drunk, so do't expect coherent thoughts.

I have to make the face frame for the front cabinets and the two doors, but that shouldn't take long. Once they're installed the front end of the trailer will be complete. Today I got the shelves, backing, and electrical  at that end done. Then I'll move to the back - the over-foot cabinets and the galley. It's coming together.

I got the trailer itself from Harbor Freight. Made in China, it exemplifies all we've come to expect in quality manufacturing from that source. At least one of every ten bolts was so far out of tolerance that the socket had to be pounded on with a hammer, and I had to redo the wiring to get the lights to work. I will replace the wheel bearings before we go anywhere, but I'm also concerned about those 12" wheels. They will be spinning at a gazillion rpm going down the freeway across the AZ desert. I found a supplier for wheels that will fit this lug pattern and they carry them in 1" increments all the way up to 16". I want to go as big as I can and still clear the fenders, but I don't want them so big the aesthetics are all wrong.
How do I know??
I'll call them Monday and see what they recommend.

I've been learning about early-60's Ford Falcons and Chevy Novas the last couple of weeks. The internet is a great source of information, but I also have friends with expertise in things automotive. Today I talked to Wayne, back in Michigan. He rebuilds engines and gave me extremely helpful info.
Nova it is!

Remember the terrible house fire in New England on Christmas Eve that killed three children and their grandparents. Only the mom and her boyfriend survived. This last week she attempted suicide.
And so the question, "How do you deal with grief and loss that great?" is, in this case, answered with, "you don't."
Yes, I know suicide is wrong, but sometimes it's understandable.

I'm watching the Mecum auto auction live from Florida. A guy is bidding on a 1969 Dodge Coronet and the price is still climbing at $60,000. One of the bidder's assistants is working with a guy who keeps looking over at his wife who keeps shaking her head "no!"
And he keeps bidding.
She does NOT look happy at the way this is going. Sure hope he likes that car because he may have plenty of time to spend with it.

I'm going to go through tomorrow's songs one more time, have another cup of coffee and do my best to stay awake until Pam gets home from work. It will be a quick "how was your day?" and then BED.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Or he (the Coronet guy) might be *buried* in it.