Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Spare no expense to save money on this one." - Samuel Goldwyn

I must have been more tired than I realized when I wrote last night's post. Didn't put in a title or a picture. I feel so irresponsible.

Heard new expressions for tossing one's cookies:
"Throwing groceries"
and "Shouting Earl."

Did the last of the varnishing today - at least of the major pieces. A few smaller pieces will get varnished after assembly. I also glued up the supports for the hatch lid. Assembly begins Monday! Pam has to work tomorrow afternoon and I have a 4 p.m. elder meeting so that's our first opportunity. Setting the sides in place and attaching them to the bulkheads is a two-person job.

It's Tebow Time tonight as the Broncos face the Patriots in the next round of the NFL playoffs. The arc of Tebow mania seems to have reached a new phase. It started with "this guy's crazy lucky" to "this can't be sustained," to "see, we told you so," to "that was a pretty good game." That's the football analysis. The views on Tebow as a man have also evolved over the last eight weeks. We've moved past the, "I wish he'd stop talking about his faith" to a sometimes begrudging acknowledgment that he's the real deal. Even cynical Boomer Esiason agrees there's no hypocrisy and his humility is genuine. New England is a prohibitive favorite tonight but assuming it turns out as expected I don't think we'll hear any gloating from the football press. They seem to agree that whatever his football skills, his personal character can't be questioned.

A 27-year old schools us on integrity.

I went for a bike ride this afternoon. It was 70 degrees. On January 14. No, I don't miss the snow no matter how pretty it is when freshly fallen. The laws of physics require cold temps for snow and that's a deal breaker IMO.

I think tonight's game might last longer than I do. Tomorrow's Sunday and includes an elder meeting in the evening, so a good night's sleep is a priority.


Anonymous said...

"Calling for Earl" & "Calling for Ralph" are commonly used euphemisms for "hurling" amongst folks salmon fishing from Westport as they head over "the bar" to reach the Kings.

Jen said...

I can't tell why that chess piece is in the middle of the board. Does it have a little sign on it? Even when I enlarge the picture, I can't see what it is there.

Craig MacDonald said...

Jen, I can't tell what that little note says, either. I just thought a vertical chess board was cool. The game as art. And that's a standard opening move, king's pawn pushed two squares out..

Jen said...

Oh, it is cool! I like it! I only wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something important, such as "316". = )