Sunday, February 12, 2012

"The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways. But he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers." - Scott Adams

click to enlarge

I like Phil Mickelson, virtually everything about him. This afternoon I watched most of his final round at Pebble Beach where he pulled off an almost unbelievable charge to come from six strokes back at the beginning of the round to win by two strokes. His wife Amy was there - they'd arranged to have the grandparents watch the girls - and their post-match hug was one more in the series of those heartwarming scenes that has to warm the heart of even the most cynical. I was happy to hear she's doing very well after a tough battle with breast cancer over the last two years. 

Pam turns 60 another year older tomorrow. She shared that birthday date with her dad who died 21 years ago last Wednesday, five days short of his 70th birthday. He was a gem and she is her father's daughter in so many ways.
We both miss him. 

Thousands of Americans die every year as the result of drug and alcohol abuse. A very small minority are immensely talented and famous; most are very ordinary people caught in a downward spiral of self-destructive behavior. 
All of those deaths are equally sad and unnecessary. 

Bruce Springsteen opened the Grammy program. I learned somewhere (Wikipedia?) that his brand of R&R is known as Philadelphia Rock and Roll, characterized by a strong, driving beat, basic chord structures and lyrics about blue collar life. Cf. Joan Jett. 
I like Philly R&R. 

I worked my rear end off this morning. I hope it never looks like it, but some Sunday mornings just take more effort than others. Philadelphia Preaching. That's OK. Everybody's job is like that some days.

The special treat was seeing Dale & Judy Chaffin and their (adult) daughter Darci walk in. Their family, including the other two Chaffin kids, attended the church I pastored in Prunedale, CA back in the late 70's. Darci was a high school student at the time and she's the same Darci. Same for Dale & Judy. They are here visiting Darci who lives with her husband an hour south of Phoenix. We had a great time at lunch, catching up on each others' lives, talking about good people from back in the day... we were a tight, happy church family, most of us at the same stage in life and growing together. Pam and I have the opportunity to see many of them from time to time and it's always the same - we pick up right where we left off. Today was no exception. 

Mondays are a recovery day and I keep my goals very modest. I'll work on the trailer - maybe get the masonite skin installed on the outside. The aluminum goes over that layer. Or I might just work on the cabinet doors. Or (finally) prune the roses. Or sit in my chair and read. 
Oh, wait. It's Pam's birthday. 
I'll sing to her.


Anonymous said...

It's Pam's birthday tomorrow and you're threatening to sing to her??!! Don't put her through that on her birthday. = :-o

Sheila said...

So I'm Blind Legs Dupree.

Craig MacDonald said...

Sheila, I think that works! From now on at Pathway....

Jen said...

What if my *real* last name is already there? Do I need to change it to Jones?