Saturday, February 25, 2012

A friend of mine confused her Valium with her birth control pills. She had 14 kids, but she doesn't really care.

This has been a stubborn cold and it decided last night that a reprise was in order. Hence, no post. But today has been much better. I've kept the to-do list modest to preserve energy for tomorrow. In addition to the usual Sunday morning activities we have an afternoon coed softball game & picnic with a sister church in Glendale. You can do that kind of thing in February here.

I've been watching some of the PGA match play tourney on TV. It's being played just outside of Tucson, about 90 minutes southeast of here. A whole new set of young hotshots are rising through the ranks and will soon be the recognizable names, a'la Mickelson, Woods, Els, et al.
Professional golf is generally considered the most conservative of all the sports. Ron, my friend who is a PGA club pro, told me they're almost all Republicans and straight arrow types. Which is why this video staring four of the young guns is so fun. (Johnny Miller, a commentator for this tourney, does not approve.)

My friend Sherry sent me this puzzle. One nice feature is that each time you play is different, with the States coming in different order. My first try was 88% with an average error of 34 miles. I think it helped that we've lived in the west, the midwest, and the southwest. How did you do?

In breathless anticipation of the Oscars tomorrow night, (yeah, right) I read an article today on Slate that answered the question, "What's written on the card that the presenter takes out of the envelope to read?"
The answer is exactly what they say.
"And the Oscar for best picture goes to...."
One of the problems they've anticipated for this year's show is the number of nominees with hard to pronounce foreign names. They've held special rehearsals for the presenters to practice those names, rehearsals that are recorded for the presenters to use between now and tomorrow night for further practice.
You can see what's going to happen. Miss Suzy Starlett is going to be so worried about mispronouncing Slbkdan Czrklegha's name that she'll be thinking of nothing else, blurting it out even though the card says "... Jerry Smith."

I stained the galley hatch frame this morning and it has to dry 24 hours before applying any varnish. I'm close enough to the end of this project that I don't have other areas I can work on during that period. Up until this stage, if staining or varnishing required drying time I could work on ____ while waiting. Except for some caulking and weatherstripping the trailer and hatch skins are pretty much the only thing left, and they have to happen at the same time.

Saturday night = early bedtime.


Dave Green said...

I scored 98% with average error of 5 miles. It seemed I had a pretty easy draw of the order. The only one I didn't get exactly was Utah which was first up.

Jen said...

92% with an 8 mile average error.

I've got Grace Singers Tours to thank for that.