Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sorry, yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.

When men were men.

Today has been much better. I still have congestion and my voice isn't normal but my awesome strength is returning, along with my apetite. By tomorrow I will once again be ready for my Chuck Norris impressions. 

Speaking of, the residents of Bratislava, Slovakia were given the opportunity to choose the name for a new pedestrian and cycling bridge to cross a river near their city. Voting hasn't closed yet but already 74% of the residents have said they want it named the Chuck Norris Bridge. 

There is no "Cntrl" button on Chuck Norris's computer because Chuck Norris is always in control. 

Some people will watch this video and say, "Aw! Isn't that adorable."
The rest of us will say, "This is why we don't own cats."

My friend Jim introduced me to the word "epiphanet." (Don't look for it in the dictionary.) It refers to something not as life transforming as an epiphany but a revelation nonetheless. Diminutive form. 
I had an epiphanet yesterday morning and by late afternoon had a brief article written. It was one of those storms in my brain that rolled through, not allowing time for deliberation. Ride the wave.  
Submitted it to the publisher this morning and it's off to the editor tonight. 

That's one of the reasons I write this blog. 
I'm using you. 
Cheap and manipulative of me, I know, but you're not surprised, are you? 
"Writers write." It's a discipline requiring regular exercise. 
I don't edit these, I just type. Often it's just stream-of-consciousness drivel that comes out of my fingers almost as quickly as it rolls across the screen in my brain. Writing like this requires me to turn thoughts into coherent sentences quickly and efficiently. So when I get an epiphanet I don't need (though some might argue I'd benefit from) days or weeks to get it down on paper. I'm too ADD for that, anyway. 

Consider writing regularly. Who cares if anybody reads it? Write for writing's sake, for the exercise of turning thoughts into sentences into paragraphs. Most people who write regularly will say the process flows both ways. Writing my thoughts, however trivial, teaches me the skill of writing. But I end up having more and better thoughts, too. After several years of blogging most nights I find that as I go through the day a corner of my brain is alert to, looking for content for the evening's effort. It makes me more attentive and reflective. 
If you blog it I will read it.

Part of this week's work involves laying out my preaching calendar for the next several months. We've been going through Romans but I told them we'd take interludes along the way, and after Sunday we'll be at a natural break in Paul's outline for that letter. So in March we're going to do a 4-week mini-series on Little Heroes - four obscure Bible characters who exemplified a particular virtue worth emulating. The first two weeks of April are Palm Sunday and Easter. Then back to Romans.

I get all energized when I work on the sermon schedule. No end to good stuff in that Book. 
I like my job a lot.


Jim said...

article? publisher? and where will the world find this when published? inquiring minds want to know.

Jen said...

Emma will *love* that video. You have to admit the guy did a great job with the music.

Great word, Jim! I like it! (Though I might rather spell it "epiphanette".)

Alright, already. I'll blog more often. Sheesh. You didn't have to use almost a whole blog post just for *me*.

I bet you don't do a *three year* sermon schedule. Do ya now? ; )

Jim said...

"epiphanette": ...of course. thx for the spelling correction. should have been obvious. I'll let the originator know of the refinement.