Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi

Are couples of means more inclined to be helicopter parents than those from a lower socio-economic class?

A growing number of people, some in positions of influence, are calling for Roger Goodell to resign as head of the NFL. The consensus seems to be that he'll survive this mess, but if he doesn't I have THE perfect person for his replacement.
Think about it. What the NFL needs is someone who will be seen as sympathetic to the victims of domestic violence, possessing recognized expertise in all things football, and beyond reproach in any and all former positions.
And the answer is.....
Condoleezza Rice!
Who's going to be seen as more sensitive to abuse issues than a woman? She's already been tagged to serve on the NCAA football playoff committee because the lady KNOWS football. And nobody takes shots at her, even though she served in the political arena. The woman is bullet proof. And anyone who takes her on starts out six steps behind on the intellectual front.
I'm prepared to start a "Draft Condoleezza" campaign. Who's with me?

Got the second oil pan cleaned, installed, and painted. Also got the fuel pump on. It's starting to look good.
At this point on the VW (chassis and engine) I had steps that didn't go well and I passed through. Nothing that affected the integrity of the vehicle, compromised safety, or hindered performance, just little things I couldn't get spot-on. Move on to the next step. So far with this build everything is - at least as far as I know - just as it should be. Part of that is experience, for example learning that a propane torch will solve a multitude of problems. I have more tools than I did last time, so if a threaded hole needs cleaning out I've got the tap & die set to do that. Working on a GM truck is also different than restoring a classic VW. The Germans have always been about engineering, and Detroit about.....something else.
I told Pam this morning that I'm feeling good about this build. Plenty of time left for any number of things to go south, but so far it's clean and tight.

The Scots vote tomorrow and they say it's too close to call. I wonder what my paternal grandfather would think. He died while I was pretty young but I remember him as the stereotypical stern Scottish patriarch. If we had our hands in our pockets he'd have us wear mittens on the presumption that our hands "must be cold." And a yardstick down the back of you shirt was a reminder to stand up straight.

Pam leaves early tomorrow morning to visit her mother in Michigan. She'll be gone for three years. OK, maybe not that long, but these ten days will feel like it. I asked her if whining would get her to stay home but she said it wouldn't.

I'm looking forward to Sunday. Won't be a typical sermon but I think they'll be surprised at what we discover in the target passage. And then they'll work with in in our adult class, which I think will be enlightening.

Today's forecasted rains didn't materialize. We got a good shower for about 30 minutes just before noon, but they say the remnants of Odile turned east and we won't get much more. Oh well.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I've had the same thought regarding Condoleezza Rice.