Thursday, September 18, 2014

"It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore, I have to beat somebody." - Richard M. Nixon

Note for those readers who aren't old enough to know, Nixon (quote above) didn't play in the NFL.

The league's problems made an appearance in Phoenix today when the Cardinals released running back Jonathan Dwyer. The cops arrested Dwyer yesterday for head butting his wife and breaking her nose. The next day he hit her in the face and threw a shoe at their infant son. Neighbors helped her pack and she fled to another state, calling the authorities after she felt safe. He's still pulling in his full salary.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church, said in a speech last week that he sometimes doubts the existence of God. He is, however certain about the existence of Jesus.
Anybody else see a problem here?

I took Pam to the airport this morning for her trip to Grand Rapids so time to work on the engine was shorter than normal. It still gets too hot to work out there much past 8:00, and I hit a problem (the coil I got was too big to fit), so I came in for b'fast, a shower, and off to Starbucks to work on the sermon.

Seriously, this one is pretty trick. Actually, the sermon may stink, but the passage we'll look at is one of those that makes me think of a tidal pool on the Oregon coast; the more you look the more you see.

Pam called earlier. We normally talk on the phone every night when we're in different places.
She told me the row in front of her on the Phx-Houston flight held a 2-year old that screamed the entire flight. Refused to put on his seatbelt and was angry about everything.
Her seat mate on the flight from there to Grand Rapids was a young gal working on her Masters at Loma Linda Univ. in special needs education with a focus on autism. Pam told her about Evan and the service dog they're working toward. The gal had never heard of service dogs for autistic kids and was very interested in it.
The McCures are very pleased with the progress they're making, and are within about $2,000 of the $17,500 goal. They're way ahead of how long they thought it would take. Makes me very happy, and wishing the people who don't even know John & Nichole, or Evan, could meet them. Impressive family, all six of them.

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