Friday, March 27, 2015

When a woman says, "What?" it's not because she didn't hear you. She's giving you a chance to change what you said.

 I saw this on Pinterest in the Tiny House section. Oh my.

The house is painted! sort of.
I didn't paint the gable ends because doing so requires laying on the roof and working with a brush. That isn't going to happen with temps in the mid-90's lest I toast my buns on the hot shingles. We're about 15 degrees above normal so I'll wait a few days hoping things return to near 80 degree days.

Speaking of hot weather work, tomorrow we're helping one of the gals at church load all their stuff into a semi trailer. Her husband has already relocated to Missoula to begin his new job and Nichole is 8 months pregnant with #3, so she's pretty much helpless. We'll take care of her/them. But we'll sure be sorry to see them gone.

If I were an owner or manager of a retail business I'd work hard on how my employees relate to customers. I've been struck over the last couple of weeks how artificial some of them are. It's like they're auditioning to be the weather gal on local news. Trying too hard.

Are people really drawn in by that saccharine approach?

This afternoon I went up to Burger King to work on Sunday stuff. I needed to get away from the house and all the tasks staring me in the face. The kid behind the counter - 18 or so - was polite, efficient, and normal. When someone (manager?) in back barked something at him we looked at each other and he grinned ever so slightly. I responded with the same.
We had an instant connection.

Earlier this week I met with someone who was so sticky sweet it was an instant turn-off. Too much energy, too much cheerfulness. Afterward I wondered if they're like that with close friends, or their spouse. Is that their real self?

Come to think of it, I've known pastors like that.
(I've never been accused of being too sweet.)


Anonymous said...

One of the clothespins says "Pass Due". What's that? Did they mean "Past Due"?

Craig MacDonald said...

Yeah, that's what got me.