Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." - H.L. Mencken

Sally has a new filter and 4.5 quarts of fresh oil. She's happy, and like a cat she purrrrrs.

I met with two of the guys I "mentor" this morning. (That word feels presumptuous.) Both were especially good conversations today. "As iron sharpens iron..."

The weather has been boooootiful the last few days with no end in sight. Upper 60s, light wind, and nothing but sun. Every morning I wish I didn't have so much work to do so I could just putz outside on lots of misc. tasks awaiting my attention. But my constitution requires that I be over-prepared for my classes.

I'm still bleeding a little from the removal of the staples but it feels MUCH better having those buggers removed. I sleep better because it's not as tender and I'm not getting stabbed every time I move.

CBS news did a feature story on the horrible problem of student debt. They went back and forth between statistics and interviews with debt-ridden recent graduates The feature interviewee has had to postpone marriage, buying a house, and to quit her "dream job" to get a higher paying job that would provide the means for keeping up with her debt payments.
Her dream job: registering voters.
For that she needed a college degree??????
She said the reality of what she owed didn't hit her until her last semester. So I'm guessing whatever degree she got in order to register voters didn't include any math, and maybe not much reading.
I have no sympathy for her and will be more than angry if a liberal president make me pay her bill. Nobody forced her to go to college, never mind sign contracts legally obligating her to pay back the money she borrowed. And don't give me the line about predatory lenders. Unless they lied to her it's caveat emptor in my mind. If she's smart enough to get a college degree she's smart enough to do the math and calculate the consequences.

From a friend's Facebook page:
Two brothers, ages 6 and 4 decided it was time they started swearing. The older boy said to his kid brother, "When mom calls us to come for breakfast I'll use the word 'damn' and you use the word 'hell'." 
The four year old says, "OK, I'll do that."
Just a few minutes later mom called them to come down for breakfast and asked the older boy what he wanted.
"I'll have some of those damn Cheerios."
SMACK upside the head, and then mom grabbed him by the ears and disappeared into the bathroom. Moments later pitiful crying came from that room.
Then mom returned to the kitchen and said to the younger boy, "Now, what do you want for breakfast?"
His reply: "Well I sure as hell don't want any of those Cheerios!"

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