Wednesday, May 1, 2019

"Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln

Before they had radar they used acoustic systems like this.


At some point today my incision came open. Yeah, not so good. I could feel something wasn't right but figured it was just irritated. By the time I realized the problem was a burst incision it was too late to get to the dr.'s office. I called and was told to be there when they open at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. Per their instructions it's tightly bandaged with gauze and tape.
This whole thing has been SO much fun.

This afternoon I took Stella over to Marta's and put her in the pen with Chis, Marta's handsome buck. Alas, Stella was not impressed, and that left Chis frustrated. I think Stella will come into heat in the next day or two and then they'll both be happy.
This will be Stella's second breeding. Last time she gave us Frenchie, a single, which is common for a first kidding. We should get two and maybe three kids this time.
Go Chis!!
Dolly is due to give birth - her first - on June 11. So the action is going to pick up pretty soon.

I'm helping to lead the hymn sing Sunday night. UFC does that every three months or so and it's surprisingly well attended. Our music guy, Lew, (he's very good) didn't grow up in church so he doesn't know many hymns, which is why he asked me to lead. Then one of the ladies asked to join as an additional leader, so there will be two of us.
People bring pies for dessert after we sing for about 30-45 minutes.

I'm not going to make a pie because A) I'm way too busy with too many things to do including class preps, and B) I have to bake goodies for my class next Tuesday night. I'm thinking snickerdoodles and cardamom toast.

That's all I've got for tonight. I'm going to work on my prep for Sunday morning's class assisted by a cup of coffee, and then turn in.

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