Sunday, April 28, 2019

"No one can disgrace us but ourselves." - Josh Billings

Friend Sherry sent me this via a Facebook post. hill-AIR-eous!!
How to hypnotize a rooster. (But do NOT erase the line!)

I'm convinced it's a rule as involate as the law of gravity - insurance commercials will be The Worst on television.
None are more inane and insulting than any and all Geico ads. Liberty Mutual is doing their best to take over that position with Allstate coming in a not-so-distant third.
Did all these outfits get together and decide their goal is to drive us slowly insane?

As I've aged I find myself less interested in watching an entire game in any sport. Except during the playoffs. I don't know if the action is better or if it's because the stakes are higher but I find those games much more interesting. I'm watching some of the NHL playoff games as they work their way toward the Stanley Cup finals. The best are the Boston Bruins games because those are more like cage fights on ice. The Bruins are a very physical team that takes as good as it gets.
Hockey players have to be about the toughest guys in sports. "Am I bleeding from getting hit by that guys stick to my face? Good! That means he gets a 4 minute penalty instead of just 2 minutes."

Emily works at one of the two feed stores on the west end of Eugene and she agreed to pick up and raise our chicks. I paid for a dozen Rhode Island Red chicks and two bags of feed and she took them home to raise with hers. This morning she told me they'll be ready to come to our place in two weeks. That's good to know because I need to clean and disinfect the coop. Step one is dispatching the five hens we have left from the existing flock. There's a hatchet and a stump that will facilitate that operation. Then I'll empty the coop of everything including the roosts and scrub the walls and floor with a bleach solution. New roosts (2x4's) and maybe a new waterer and I'll be ready for the chicks. (Insert bad dating joke here.)
It will be another four months before we get eggs from this flock so we'll have to buy eggs at the store for a stretch. Emily said I should build another coop so I didn't have to kill these hens until the new birds start laying but the cost of a new coop, never mind the time to build it, mean I'm happy to pay for eggs for four months. Chickens will lay at an adequate rate for two years. After that their production drops below the cost of feed.

Ok, I got too drowsy and forgot to hit "Publish" before I went to bed last night. Sorry.
So as a bonus here's a pic of granson Jason who is playing coach-pitch baseball for the first time. Apparently the team got to visit the Diamondbacks stadium. So this pic can be what they use on his MLB playing card when he goes pro.
I'm sure attendance will have picked up by then.

We leave in 30 minutes for church so I can teach my class while Pam goes to Starbucks for their internet and the videos she'll watch. I've just reviewed by slides and I've got too much material for the 55 minutes I get.
Then home for a quick nap, review my message for the prison chapel service tonight, and out the door by 3:30 for the 90 minute trip up to OSP. Home about 8:30. Long day.

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